You may be familiar with A Professional Writer's Ladder to Success, which is the series of e-books I started writing a few years ago to teach people how to plan for, establish, and run a successful writing business. After completing 8 books and 2 packages of them, I got a big contract that consumed most of my time and haven't added any more to the series. Then the sales portal where I had them for sale went out of business and the only way anyone could buy them any more was to see me speak somewhere and buy one on CD. The ladder series seemed doomed to fade into obscurity!
But I just spent this afternoon adding all the available e-books and packages to my Old Maid Cat Lady retail site. There's a special section on there for "Life Beyond the Kitties" that will feature other types of things needed by old maid cat ladies. After all, we have to earn a living, be entertained, socialize, and take care of ourselves, right? So after you've gone there to shop for your cats, you can now find these e-books and download them immediately so you don't have to wait to get started! Titles in the series, which I call "rungs" ('cuz it's a ladder, see?) include:
- Planning for Self-Employment: Building a writing business from the ground up
- Learning the Writing Industry: Is it one you really want to join?
- Polishing Your Writing Skills: Your writer's toolkit
- Writing a Business Plan: Your blueprint for success
- Establishing Your Writing Business: Preparing to open your doors
- A Writer's Professional Ethics: Keeping your integrity intact
- Finding Your Niche: How specialization can improve your bottom line
- Virtual Partnerships: Forging alliances with other creative professionals
- Writing Business Exploration Package (Rungs 1 & 2)
- Writing Business Startup Package (Rungs 1-5)
If you also like to read for pleasure, I've also just added two books for one of my ghostwriting clients, Joe Overby, to the site. You can also buy them in paperback version there, which means you will have to wait to read them. But they're both great books, if I do say so myself! Just A Dumb Kid From Nowhere is the story of Joe's childhood in rural Mississippi during the Great Depression. Everybody who's read it just loves it. And his new one, Acres Aweigh!, is the story of his friendship with Mrs. Elizabeth P. Stark, a fascinating lady who used to own the property where the carrier basin at Naval Station Mayport now stands. The book is set in the late 1950s-early 1960s when Joe was stationed at Mayport. Joe is expecting his first shipment of the new book within the next week.
You can go directly to the appropriate page of Old Maid Cat Lady for each of these books by clicking on any of the links in the text above. The new pages of the site are "building" now on my store host's site, and should be up by Saturday morning. Enjoy!
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