Thursday, January 13, 2022

Wolves in Sheep's Clothing


H.R. 1 and H.R. 4 are wolves in sheep's clothing.
Photos used to create this image taken by
Sam Carter and Marc-Olivier Jodoin
on Unsplash.

Watch Out, Americans!

Two bills that just today (January 13, 2021) passed in the U.S. House of Representatives are a serious threat to free and fair elections in our nation. Here's what they are and what they would do if they made it into law:

The Deception

H.R. 1 is benignly titled the "For the People Act" as though it's championing the American people, when it's really a bill designed to channel your money into the pockets of corrupt career politicians!

H.R. 4 is entitled the "John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act" is designed to play upon people's desire for social justice against oppressive voting laws that have not been in effect for more than 50 years. It foments racial division and tries to pull the wool over the eyes of voters by using the name of a beloved congressman who died in 2021.

The Reality

These two bills would do several things to endanger free and fair elections in the United States. They are designed to keep the Democrats in power and make several types of the voter fraud that happened in 2020 completely legal. Here's a rundown of several things they would do:
  • Eliminate voter I.D. requirements - Not only to vote, but to register to vote. This would mean that another person could go into your voting precinct and tell them they were you, cast a vote in your name that would not be the vote you would have cast, and it would all be allowed. What's more, without any I.D. required to register to vote, anybody could register to vote, whether or not they are a U.S. citizen. Remember all those illegal immigrants the Democrats have been bringing into our nation and placing all over the country? Any of them could register to vote, just as though they were here legally.
    No country allows non-citizens to vote in their elections! Don't believe it? Go to any other country and try to cast a vote there as a non-citizen. You won't be allowed to, and you'll most likely be thrown in jail.
  • Encourage ballot harvesting - This is currently an illegal practice, in which a group collects ballots from voters and "helps" them by turning them in to be tallied. Partisan groups who do this have a bad habit of either marking blank ballots for their candidates, or trashing any ballots that are not marked for their candidates, never turning them in to be counted. (That's why it's illegal.) Ballot harvesting was done in many places in the 2020 election, and Democrats now want to make it legal.
  • Set up a 6-to-1 match of government funds for any donation to a candidate of less than $200 - Let's take a look at his from a budgetary point of view. One candidate in particular raised $18,898,102 in donations of under $200. That would mean that taxpayers would need to match that to the tune of $113 million. That's your money, going to a candidate you may not support, at a rate of six times what the original donation was! If you're a conservative, imagine that candidate was AOC. If you're a liberal, imagine that candidate was Donald Trump. Still in favor of it? Thought not.
  • Mandate automatic voter registrations - This may seem like a good thing...but what it does is pad the voter rolls with a lot of people who don't care about voting and will never cast a vote. What does that do for political activists who want to cheat? It gives them lots of room to inject fake ballots into the count. Voter rolls are supposed to be cleaned up by removing the names of dead people and those who have moved elsewhere to keep the number of registered voters within a reasonably accurate count. Percentages of likely voters vs. total voters registered are fairly predictable, so their addition of these ballots stands out when the voter rolls are accurate. But with so many people registered who never vote, it's less detectable.
  • Allows for same-day voter registration - This means that someone can walk into a polling place on Election Day, register to vote, and cast a vote. Why is this not a good idea? Voter registrations are checked against the Social Security database and other government databases to ensure that the person casting a vote is legally allowed to do so. When the person registers and votes on the same day, there is no time to verify 1) that they are who they say they are, and 2) that they are a citizen who is legally allowed to cast a vote.
  • Makes Merrick Garland the "Election Czar" - Attorney General Merrick Garland is the same guy who called parents "domestic terrorists" for speaking up on behalf of their children at school board meetings. That's how partisan he is. This is not a man we need in charge of election integrity in our nation.
These two bills passed in the House today, because Democrats hold a majority there. Now they go to the Senate.

Strategy in the Senate

With only a slim (one-vote) majority in the U.S. Senate, Democrats do not have the votes to pass this bill, thanks to the filibuster.

What is the filibuster? It's a requirement that any bill get a minimum of 60 votes in order to pass, not the simple majority of 51 that would be required by a simple-majority rule. Get rid of the filibuster, and these bills pass in the Senate, and will to to the White House to be signed into law. 

Here's some context: when President Trump was in office, Democrats used the filibuster 314 times over 4 years to stop bills in his agenda from passing in the Senate. Now that Democrats have a slim majority, however, they want to take away that right from Republicans. Two Senators of their own party do not agree with that decision, and will vote against removing the filibuster. If all the Republicans vote to keep it, that portion of their strategy will fail. And, hopefully, so will these anti-American bills.

How You Can Help

If you value free and fair elections in our nation, call your U.S. Senators - each state has two - and tell them to vote:
  • to keep the filibuster
  • vote "No" on these "Voting Rights" bills.
You can find the phone number for your senators' Washington offices by choosing your state  from the drop-down menu here: is no time to waste; these issues will be voted on quickly. Democrats are moving at light speed to push forward their agenda before their failures catch up with them and people wake up to their true intentions for our nation. Don't let them succeed in killing our free nation. Take action today!

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Remember January 6!

This newspaper headline
reporting on the January 6 events
reveals how the media
spun the story of what happened that day.
Photo by little plant on Unsplash.

The Events of January 6, 2021 

Those espousing leftist beliefs keep telling us to remember January 6, 2021. They claim an "insurrection" occurred on that date, when people breached the security of the Capitol building in Washington, D.C. They claim that those actions prove that people who support President Trump are horrible, violent, anti-American, dangerous "terrorists."

Here we are, almost a year later. I also propose that we remember January 6, but for a very different reason. What occurred then was not an insurrection, as they want you to believe. That was merely a distraction. What really happened on January 6 was the successful completion of a coup d'état, in which the corrupt political elites overturned the will of the American people. How so? Allow me to elaborate.

The Official Proceedings

On January 6, the US Congress was receiving certified election results from each of the 50 states in the chambers of the House of Representatives in the Capitol building, with Vice-President Mike Pence in charge of the proceedings, as directed in the US Constitution. These results were being presented as certified by the election officials of each state. The procedures call for the results to be presented, and then any objections to them be presented afterward so they can be examined and discussed before the election results as a whole are certified by Congress. 

At the same time as this was going on, tens of thousands of supporters of President Trump, who was still the president at that time, were attending a peaceful rally outside the Capitol building. Several speakers appeared, culminating in a rousing speech by President Trump himself in which he explained why he believed the election results had been illegally altered.

Some of the people attending the rally noticed several buses arrive during the proceedings, and people getting out of those buses changing clothing, into pro-Trump attire. They thought it odd and suspicious, but were more interested in what the President had to say at the rally and didn't give it much thought...until later.

The Carefully Timed Interruption

At a predetermined time, painstakingly coordinated to happen just when it did, those people who had been bused into the rally area entered the Capitol building, accompanied by several actual Trump supporters who had gotten caught up in the moment. The mob made it look like they forced their way in by breaking some windows, but that was only for the news media to film. Doors were unlocked and opened for them. They were allowed to enter. Let me say that again: they were ALLOWED to enter.

Meanwhile, outside at the rally, most of the people there were completely unaware that anything at all was going on in the Capitol building. They listened to what President Trump had to say and cheered for him, perhaps chatted with other like-minded people in the crowd, then peacefully made their way back to their hotels or homes, with every expectation that their voices would be heard when the evidence of election fraud was presented. Only when they arrived home and turned on a TV did they realize all that was happening inside the Capitol.

If you were watching the proceedings in the House chambers on TV, you saw House Speaker Nancy Pelosi lead the charge for the doors, with her cronies following closely behind her. We heard that Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was "cowering under her desk" (located in another building, accessible only via tunnel from the Capitol) in certainty that she was about to die. Remember, this all happened just as the objections to the certified election results were about to be presented.

The TV news channels showed people in outlandish costumes trashing portions of the Capitol building. They told us that five people were killed by the "insurrection," repeatedly using that word to refer to the events. They kept showing the same film over and over again for weeks afterward. We heard time and time again that supporters of President Trump were "terrorists" who had "breached" the Capitol building with the intent to murder members of Congress. The shirtless man in the fur vest and the horned helmet; the people using a Trump flag to break windows; the mob overturning a podium. These images were burned into our brains by the media. The rally so many tens of thousands of people had attended, and knew from their firsthand experience was peaceful, was never shown at all. It was now branded as a "riot" by the media. People who weren't there and didn't know any better believed the media's lies about that day. How could they not? They were never shown anything else.

The Aftermath

Next thing we heard on the evening of January 6, the election results had been approved as presented. When? Where? By whom? What happened to the objections that several senators had promised to present? There was already evidence of rampant election fraud by this time, only two months since the election had happened. This included multiple affidavits signed by people who had personally witnessed the fraud occurring. Why was that evidence not presented and heard? 

Suddenly, we had supposedly elected a new President...but we hadn't. Most of us knew we hadn't. The only people who didn't think so were those whose vitriolic hatred for President Trump was so severe that they could not bring themselves to believe that such a horrible man could possibly be re-elected; but then, they didn't even like that he was elected in the first place!

In reality, the only person who was killed during the supposed insurrection was a woman named Ashli Babbitt, a US military veteran, who was shot to death by a Capitol police officer. Other people died that day, but not from violence during the events at the Capitol. But the media circus didn't care about the facts; all that mattered was the narrative.

What happened on January 6 was the culmination of four years of efforts to undermine the will of the American people expressed in 2016. Oh, the Democrats cheated in that election, too...but they failed to anticipate the massive support for President Trump and underestimated the number of fraudulent votes they'd have to inject to win. They believed their own fake polls! The party leaders, along with their media lapdogs, expected a landslide win for Clinton, then watched in amazement as state after state's results came in for Trump. If you know anything about Hillary Clinton, you can only imagine how she must have hit the ceiling when they took away that prize she thought she so richly deserved!

Behind closed doors, the Democrat party and their supporters vowed not to let "That Man" defeat them again. We know this because secretly recorded conversations have surfaced revealing people saying so and making their assurances that it would not happen. They wanted not only to beat Trump in 2020, but to humiliate him. They tried to impeach Trump to remove him from office, but that didn't work. They tried to keep the populace divided by fomenting racial hatred and bringing back the protests and race riots from 50 years ago, yet more and more black and Latino Americans were supporting President Trump than ever before. They tried to turn the public against him by pointing to his childish posts on Twitter that called people names, misinterpreting or changing the original tweets' intentions when necessary, but that only worked with some people, not enough to win. 

Nothing could be left to chance and nothing could be taken for granted; they saw how that worked in 2016. They also couldn't assassinate Trump; they had done that to JFK and he became a martyr for cleaning up the corruption in D.C. No, they had to come up with something foolproof to get their beloved power back from this detested outsider.

The Plan

The long-term plan of the left is to bring down the United States of America as a world superpower and, if possible, to turn it into a communist nation. Understanding this is the first step toward seeing how they manipulated the 2020 election results. They have been working toward this end for over a century, first by infiltrating our educational system at the highest levels, then working their way downward until even the youngest children in school today are being indoctrinated with Marxist principles.

Barack Obama was and is a hard-core Marxist, abandoned by his Marxist father, raised by a Marxist mother and grandparents. He believes in the Marxist ideals, worked early in his career as a "community organizer," and is even now still working to bring communism to fruition in this country. During his eight years in the Oval Office, he strategically placed like-minded people throughout the federal government, to call on later when needed, from bureaucrats in federal agencies to agents in the spying arms of the government, to activist judges who think the US Constitution is a "living document" open to their Marxist interpretation whenever necessary. 

The political elites' plan was for Hillary Clinton to continue his movement toward the left in this country.  They were importing illegal immigrants en masse to pack their stronghold districts with more residents, thus upping their number of representatives in two key places -- the House of Representatives and the Electoral College -- once they got those people counted in the 2020 Census. [Representation in those two chambers is determined by the number of residents living in a district, not by the number of US citizens living there. By inflating the number of residents, they don't even have to get those illegal immigrants voting, they merely need to get them counted in a US Census while their same reliable voters keep voting them back into office, now with a greater number of seats. Clever strategy.] 

But Donald Trump came along and threw a big ol' monkeywrench into their plans. He turned back the huge tide of illegal immigrants that was being bused to our southern border across Central America and Mexico. You remember them; the news media kept showing them on the news every night: the people who were supposedly walking to our border in abject poverty, yet upon closer examination of the photos, many of them were carrying pricey cell phones and often wearing clean, nice-looking clothing. They were bused from one photo opp to another, then taken off the buses so they could appear to be walking the entire distance. There were even flyers some of them had, produced by the US Government, encouraging them to come here and providing guidelines in Spanish on how to sidestep our legal immigration procedures. (You may have noticed that the flood of illegal immigrants began again, just as soon as Joe Biden took office. Those people have been moved from the border, strategically placed within Democrat-controlled districts across the nation. The political elites may not have been able to get them counted in 2020, but you can bet they'll be prepared in 2030.)

This was the world in early 2020, three years after Donald Trump took office as president, heading into his fourth year in office: 

  • The US economy was soaring, with the stock market hitting new heights
  • Unemployment was at historic lows, especially among minority populations
  • President Trump had brokered the historic Abraham Accords in the Middle East, something that was worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize (even though they'd never give him one)
  • He was improving relations with our most threatening enemies, personally walking across the border between North and South Korea to meet with Kim Jong-Un
  • Trade deficits with China were starting to reverse, with manufacturing and jobs returning to the US that President Obama had said would "never return"
  • Our NATO allies were finally paying their share to support treaties they had agreed to decades ago, when we had been the only ones footing the bills beforehand
  • The US was energy-independent, with fuel prices lower than people had seen in decades and our nation not relying on people who hate us for fuel supplies
  • We were making plans to pull our troops out of Afghanistan in an orderly and controlled manner
  • The flow of illegal drugs like fentanyl and of children to be used for human trafficking had slowed to a trickle with improved security to control illegal immigration along our southern border.

The political elites knew they could never defeat President Trump with rhetoric; his successes in making life better for average Americans were proving him correct time after time on that front. They knew that even with the mainstream media on their side, they couldn't sell enough people on enough lies about him to win the election honestly. Bringing him down would require a multi-pronged attack. They would have to deploy some strategies they had been putting into place for years.

The First Prong: Voting Procedures

This portion of the left's plan took many years to accomplish, and had been in the works for quite some time, beginning long before they used it to address their "problem" of President Trump. 

As our world has become more automated in pretty much every way, so has our voting process. Most of us either feed our paper ballot into a scanner that tallies the votes electronically, or we cast our votes using a screen. We've all become accustomed to its speed and convenience. But do these methods deliver accurate results? How do we know?

Many states have enacted a "motor voter" law that automatically registers citizens to vote when they apply for a driver's license. This pads the voter rolls with additional names of people who rarely or never vote. It's also possible for an election supervisor who has very strong political views to pad the election rolls with multiple names of people who never existed, often many of them supposedly residing at one address that may be a vacant lot or an abandoned building.

Cleanups of voter rolls are supposed to remove people with fraudulent addresses or names. They're supposed to match voter rolls to lists of social security cardholders to ensure that the people actually exist and are still living. Sometimes people move and don't notify the supervisor of elections. Sometimes they die and their family members don't notify election officials. Cleanups of voter rolls are effective in controlling some types of election fraud...when they're done. Without cleanups of the voter rolls, those names are still on them, and would get mailed a ballot in a universal vote-by-mail system. Yet purging names from voter rolls or ensuring that voter information is accurate yields cries of "voter suppression!" from the left. 

Some Democrat-controlled states (Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Utah, and Washington) even started taking things a step further: they were having everybody vote by mail. While absentee ballots have always been used for people who could not get to the polls on Election Day, for people living abroad, and for military troops stationed overseas, there is a significant difference between absentee ballots and universal vote-by-mail ballots. Absentee ballots require the voter to request a mail-in ballot. Universal mail-in voting automatically mails a ballot (sometimes more than one) to every voter registered in a precinct, whether they're likely to vote or not. That leaves a lot of uncast ballots floating around...especially if the voter rolls are never verified and cleaned up.

Voting by mail accomplishes two things. One: it eliminates the presentation of a valid photo ID card by a live person when voting, and two: it enables corrupt officials to inject additional ballots (pre-marked for their candidate, of course) into the ballot count. Limiting the access of observers so they are not aware of these fraudulent ballots being added to the totals makes this an easy strategy to employ when fixing elections. Any efforts to control vote-by-mail to prevent election fraud leads to those automatic cries of "voter suppression!" by the left, which are quickly picked up by their media lapdogs and any citizens naïve enough to believe them.

Someone who's working as hard as they can to get a candidate elected may see this as an opportunity to cast additional votes for that candidate in the name of some of these people who never vote. Or by casting votes for their candidate to "help" members of a retirement community who are unable to vote, but still registered and still breathing, an illegal practice known as "ballot harvesting." If a person truly believes that their candidate is the best, they can easily rationalize that they are doing the "right thing" by ensuring that the candidate gets elected. When voter rolls are padded anyway with outdated and fraudulent names and addresses, ballot harvesting is only the next logical step in boots-on-the-ground election fraud.

The Second Prong: Hacking

Larger precincts require an automated process to provide timely election results for the higher number of voters there. So ensuring that the machines used to tally those votes can be manipulated at will to provide the desired result is crucial to the long-term plans of the left. 

Government contracts can be lucrative, and strategies used to win the business of election officials in one state can easily be replicated in others. Within a few years, most of the nation's votes were being tallied by machines coming from the same handful of vendors. With a wireless modem built into each precinct's ballot-scanning machine that allows it to send its results to the main tallying computer in their county, this gives all of the vote-tallying machines a method of being accessed remotely, regardless of the companies' assurances that they have "no internet connection."

If the machine that receives all the votes from the machines located at the remote precincts in a county can receive those votes electronically as reported by the precincts, it's possible for others to access that tallying machine...and having this in place was crucial to make sure those people hacking in to alter the votes could not be traced back to the political elites. Fortunately for them, there are ways of routing instructions from one computer through a system of other computers, usually infected machines that have opened a file with a computer virus attached. Those can be routed around the world, originating in one place, but looking like they came from someplace completely different.

But how do you mask those changes in the vote tallies so that they are not obvious? This was where the mathematicians came in. Algorithms are used to do much of what we all do online: used by search engines, by e-commerce marketers, by social media platforms. Another algorithmic method was used to determine the number of likely voters within each precinct, so that the numbers added or flipped in the totals would not seem anomalous to the casual observer. It would take someone trained in computer forensics to design such a scheme and set everything in place to be deployed during the tallying of votes. It would take more people trained in this field to discover the fraud.

To accomplish this all and make it believable, they needed to introduce the next portion of their plan.

The Third Prong: A Shutdown

The political elites had to crash that soaring economy somehow. That would make their altered election results appear more believable, and also force more mail-in voting so they could inject those fraudulent ballots into the process. What would do that? Something that would shut down everything. A terrorist attack? No...that had been tried during the first year of the Bush 43 presidency, and all it did was galvanize Americans and unify the country, making us stronger than before. Keeping the populace divided was essential to their plan.

Fortunately, they had something in their bag of tricks. It was a bioweapon, one they'd been working on for many years, with our own government officials key in developing it. A deadly virus, which could come from a lab in China. A lab where we'd outsourced research that our laws wouldn't allow to be done in this country. And one of the key physicians involved in its development was right there in Washington, D.C.: Dr. Anthony Fauci. He'd even been appointed to his position of authority by the darling of the right, President Reagan, in 1984. How much more perfect could he be for this mission? 

Colluding with the Chinese Communist Party, who didn't like the damage President Trump had done to their sweet trade deals with the US, they unleashed this virus onto the world. Understand this: the CCP doesn't care if it kills its own citizens; they didn't care how many of the world's citizens they would kill with this virus. Just as that old Marxist adage goes, "the end justifies the means," right? 

Considered a trusted advisor due to his service to six US presidents, Fauci confidently advised President Trump to shut down the nation for two weeks "to flatten the curve" and prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed with patients. Then he advised the president to keep extending that shutdown, claiming that we were still learning about this virus. 

Democrat governors and mayors issued tight isolation and curfew restrictions on their citizens, only allowing "essential employees" to leave their homes. President Trump ordered the US Navy hospital ship Comfort deployed to New York and the Mercy deployed to Los Angeles to relieve the pressure on hospitals, but the ships were hardly used. A mobile hospital set up in Central Park by the Christian organization Samaritan's Purse was boycotted by order of the mayor of New York. 

People who could not do their jobs from home left gaps in the marketplace and the supply chain for goods. Store shelves were emptied of paper goods and staple foods by panicked consumers. Government handouts (payoffs) sustained people who were unable to work and selected small businesses, many of which started going under as the shutdowns stretched on and on. 

During press conferences, President Trump shared news he was hearing of effective and affordable treatments for the virus, but the leftist media immediately twisted his words around, branded the tried-and-true medicines as "fake," and laughed at people for taking "horse tranquilizer" or "drinking aquarium cleaner." One of these medicines has been used successfully around the world for decades, and another had won a Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2015 in treating humans, but the leftists continued ridiculing anyone who advocated for their usage. Some pharmacists even refused to fill doctors' prescriptions for the combination of an antibiotic and one of these drugs, a combination which had saved many people's lives!

The president also worked with manufacturers to get more respirators quickly made and supplied to hospitals, as well as protective equipment for their workers. He worked with pharmaceutical companies, smoothing the way for them to get treatments and vaccines developed and approved more quickly. Yet the left did nothing but criticize his response to the pandemic: his methods were not draconian enough, the shutdowns not working to slow the spread of the virus.

The shutdown was crucial: it paved the way for the Democrats to deploy the other strategies they had worked out over time. It provided cover. As the media blamed President Trump for the pandemic, they swayed a few voters who had lost family members to it. Not enough to win, but enough who were filled with hatred and passion to flood the social media pages with posts that made it seem to the casual observer as though Trump were an unpopular president. Those soaring economic numbers that had been climbing for three years plummeted when people were prevented from going to work. Democrat governors imposed even stricter lockdowns on their states, all in the name of safety. At least one of them caused the deaths of many nursing home patients by intentionally moving patients with the deadly virus into their nursing homes, where it ran rampant through the weak and elderly residents there.

Meanwhile, anyone who looked at the numbers of people showing up for rallies in support of President Trump could see that his support was still overwhelming. A wide field of Democrat candidates dwindled to one, a career politician who had spent his entire career in Washington, D.C. and who could often find it difficult to put together a cohesive sentence. Trump was no great orator, but Biden almost made him appear to be one. Biden rallies looked more like backyard cookouts. 

The mainstream media rushed to the rescue again, branding the Trump rallies as "superspreader" events and their attendees as reckless for attending them or not wearing masks there, while consistently underreporting the number of attendees there and using camera angles that greatly diminished the perception of attendance at Trump rallies and made the sparse crowds look larger at Biden rallies. Vitriol dripped from reporters' voices as they talked about the massive Trump rallies, all while underestimating the numbers attending them. (So much for not editorializing when reporting the news.) With tickets required for Trump rallies, the actual figures of attendees were certainly known, and there were usually hundreds or thousands more uncounted in an overflow crowd that spilled over into the surrounding streets. The predicted spikes in deaths from the virus post-rally didn't seem to materialize. But that didn't change the media's tune.

The Fourth Prong: The Vote Counting

Election day came and went. As the results came in, President Trump was leading in most states early on. Counting of ballots was extending into the early hours of the next morning...and then, in many places, the counting was stopped, to be resumed several hours later. There were reports of poll watchers being kept so far from those counting ballots that they could not see what was being done or verify that the ballots were authentic, but the media downplayed such reports, if they mentioned them at all. Interestingly, once counting resumed, things completely turned around and Biden was suddenly ahead in most of the battleground states. How did this happen?

Not naturally, for sure. All the strategies described above had been put into place: the falsely inflated voter rolls, the injection of fraudulent ballots, the suppression of poll watchers, and finally the remote hacking to flip votes from Trump to Biden. Remember, the left didn't just want to defeat President Trump, they wanted to humiliate him. The way he had humiliated Hillary Clinton in 2016 by defeating her when she had been certain she was going to win. 

Their strategies made it look like Biden had earned more votes than any other president in US history, over 80 million. Biden's ardent supporters insisted that his voters had stayed home and voted by mail to stay safe, and that's why the numbers flipped. But such a massive switch did not make sense, logically or mathematically. Supporters of President Trump knew it was an impossible outcome.

The Fifth Prong: The Legal System

President Trump was not about to take defeat lying down, especially when he knew it couldn't be true. His closest advisors began gathering evidence of fraud and following the legal procedures to file lawsuits so they could present the evidence. But judges appointed by political elite were refusing to even hear their evidence. The cases were being dismissed on technicalities, without any opportunity for the American people to even see or hear the evidence they had gathered.

The claims of election fraud were called "baseless" and "unproven" by the mainstream media as they tried to gaslight the American public. Every news story about another lawsuit being denied added to their claims that the fraud simply didn't exist. A government official from the Trump administration even made the media rounds, calling 2020 the "most secure election in American history." If journalists write the history of this time, they will undoubtedly ignore or destroy all the evidence that exists now. We must do all that we can to preserve the truth about our time for posterity.

The Final Prong: The Fake Insurrection

Which brings us back to January 6. President Trump had scheduled a huge rally in Washington, D.C., in the mall between the Capitol and the White House, on the day the Electoral College's results were to be presented for confirmation in Congress. This rally would dwarf all his others in comparison. Tens of thousands of people poured in from all over the country, filling the mall with a sea of people clad in pro-Trump attire and waving American and Trump flags. The media, for the most part, ignored all of these people. Only later would we discover why.

The well-timed "insurrection" took place toward the end of the Trump rally, just at the time when objections to the certified results were about to be presented in the House. A peaceful demonstration and rally wouldn't sway public opinion in the Democrats' favor...but a violent riot would. The media focused only on the small group of people who invaded the Capitol building, many of whom were agents of the left disguised as Trump supporters. The political elites had successfully pulled off a coup d'état, and the final prong in their strategy was a complete success.

American citizens are now sitting in solitary confinement in federal jail, accused of insurrection, but without being provided with due process as required by our laws. They have not been formally charged, tried, or convicted, but are still held by the US government as political prisoners. Their homes were raided by federal agents, their families terrorized. Where is Amnesty International speaking out on their behalf? Have they bought the mainstream media's narrative that these people were "terrorists"? Or are they complicit in wanting to see the US taken down? 

And if these political prisoners are, in fact, agents of the left, keeping someone in solitary confinement is certainly a good way to keep them from talking to anybody about what they know or who paid them to play their role in the January 6 events. Any of them who start to show signs of cracking and telling their stories can quickly and easily be dispatched, as was the pervert Jeffrey Epstein, taken out as a warning to any other Marxist agents or their allies who may get any funny ideas about squealing.

The Investigation

Affidavits started surfacing nonetheless, signed by honest people who had observed election fraud happening. Videos began circulating of people offering to buy unmarked ballots in Michigan, and of poll watchers being kept so far away from ballot counters that they could not see whether the ballots they were counting were genuine or fraudulent - all in the name of "safety" because of the pandemic. Trucks loaded with ballots were crossing state lines, which should never happen. Where were all these ballots coming from? Truckloads of ballots were shown being unloaded in the middle of the night at vote counting stations. Were they legitimate ballots, or were they fraudulent? With no poll watchers allowed to observe, we had no way of knowing for sure.

Conservatives who supported President Trump began circulating these bits of evidence. As a result, they were ridiculed, censored, or completely de-platformed by social media and video sharing sites. In an unimaginable action, Twitter even de-platformed President Trump, while he was still the sitting president of the United States! Any media who even reported on these events did their best to minimize and delegitimize the charges of election fraud and tampering  Anything that questioned the official narrative on the 2020 election made a person fair game for censorship, whether they were a celebrity or a regular person. I have shared some of this evidence as it emerged, but will not list it all here, as it's a considerable amount of information and if you've read this far, you're probably already tired of reading.

It was only upon closer examination of the 2020 election results, thanks to one Massachusetts candidate who lost his race and investigated further, that the Democrats' algorithmic approach was uncovered. The pre-flip results showed that it was actually President Trump who had earned over 80 million votes. Mike Lindell, the "My Pillow" guy, was upset enough about this that he pushed the effort to investigate further and underwrote his Cyber Symposium in August of 2021, during which several experts in computer forensics presented the evidence gathered so far and exposed the political elites' tactics to steal the 2020 election.

This was how they remotely changed the vote tallies: figures from the 2010 US Census were paired with an algorithm to project figures for each state...but the same algorithm was used for every precinct in a state, making the election percentages unnaturally identical across precincts within that state. A closer examination revealed that the same method had been employed in 2020 to alter totals in the Presidential race in all 50 states. This was only possible with the number of smokescreens they used to hide their actions and distract the public: the shutdown, the mail-in voting, the pauses in vote counting to allow for the hacks, the staged insurrection.

Federal law requires that election officials maintain all records pertinent to any national election for at least 22 months after the election. Some states' officials have already illegally destroyed or purged election records from the 2020 election. Even those who haven't will not be required to keep anything beyond September of 2022. The clock is ticking. Evidence has been gathered by people working diligently, canvassing voters in states where fraud changed the results to uncover more instances of wrongdoing. Local election officials who have spoken out about the fraud being perpetrated in their states have been harassed, slandered, and even had their homes and/or offices raided by state and federal officials at the direction of corrupt state election officials.

Efforts continue in the courts to get the evidence heard. As of this writing, no state election officials or federal government officials have yet been charged with fraud, conspiracy, or treason...but some certainly should be.

Do you understand the significance of these events? If allowed to get away with this, the political elites will continue putting whomever they want into office for the major elections, regardless of how the American people vote. A few of those may be Republicans, so things still look "fair" but the vast majority of them will be Marxist-minded Democrats, like themselves. The mistakes they made in 2020 that made their fraud discoverable will be better hidden in the future. They will continue improving their tactics as technology changes. We will never again have a free and fair election in this country. More and more power will go to the centralized federal government. Slowly, our freedoms are being eroded and most Americans are blissfully unaware it's even happening.

What Now?

So, yes: remember January 6, 2021. Not for a fake "insurrection" but for the coup d'état that took over the United States of America for the corrupt political elite, those whose power was challenged by one businessman with a desire to see things set right in this nation again. 

On the Christian calendar, January 6 is the date of the Epiphany, when the Wise Men arrived at the stable where the Christ child had been born. Will our nation have its own epiphany and realize the significance of this date? Or have the majority of our own wise men all given up?

Will our nation's progression toward Marxism continue? People who have moved to the US from other countries where totalitarian regimes reign can see things clearly. But so many US citizens cannot. They think the career politicians of today are as honorable as they were in the past, not corrupt to the core. And it's not merely most of the Democrats who are rotten. Plenty of Republicans are right there with them, all eating from the same trough. They had plenty of opportunities to stand behind President Trump when he was in office, but they were too busy bickering amongst themselves or getting their feelings hurt, trying to protect their little bit of power or their cash cows, and couldn't be bothered, so they sold our country down the river.

In less than a year, the Democrats' installed candidate, who most people believe is merely a figurehead, has turned around all the positive things President Trump had accomplished in his four-year term. Resident Biden has opened the floodgates to illegal immigrants, bringing with them violent crime, deadly drugs, and children to be used for despicable acts in human trafficking. He led a disastrous surrender in Afghanistan, completely abandoning the well-laid plans President Trump had made, freeing several dangerous terrorists from the Afghan jails, costing many people their lives, and handing over our expensive war materiel to the enemy. He has made us once again dependent on America-hating countries for our fuel supply, driving up costs not only for gasoline and heating fuel, but for every good delivered to stores via ships, trucks, and trains. Now he is trying to force Americans to participate in a study on a vaccine that alters their body's mRNA, the largest trial of its kind ever conducted in human history, a trial being directed by the Dr. Mengele of our time.

The media are still brainwashing the public about the pandemic, trying to frighten people into cowering in their homes and letting their businesses go under (thus making them dependent on a government handout to survive). "Another variant!" "You need another booster; the first two shots no longer work!" They tell people to keep their masks on, even if they've been vaccinated. They tell us that we can still get the virus, even if we've been vaccinated. They try to shame people who are unable to take vaccines or who cannot breathe while wearing a mask, calling them "selfish" and "irresponsible." They continue to suppress treatment protocols that are time-tested and affordable, just because President Trump had mentioned them. All for a (lab-engineered) virus (developed by corrupt American politicians colluding with the CCP) that has a 98+% survival rate.

How much of this will people endure? That's the question we're facing today. When will people say, "Enough!" and take back our country? If you care, if you have any question about the 2020 election results, you should speak to your state legislators, and encourage them to decertify your state's 2020 election results and conduct a full forensic audit of those results. NOT merely a recount of the ballots; if there are fraudulent ballots in the stacks, recounting those will only yield the same false results. Call for a full forensic audit of the election results. That verifies that the people who signed the ballots are actually live, registered voters, and not made-up names, false addresses, or duplicate ballots from the same person using variations of their name. It verifies that the amount of ballots do not exceed the number of voters in a precinct and that the votes were not electronically flipped once counted. Only then will the fraud emerge in its entirety. The clock is ticking on this; after early September of this year (2022), all the evidence can legally be wiped out.

If the Democrats really won the 2020 election fairly, what do they have to lose by doing this? If they didn't cheat, why are they so opposed to a forensic audit of the results? Why are they so vehemently fighting efforts to verify the results? The integrity of our nation's elections means everything for our continued freedom. Right now, we have lost that integrity. Will we have what it takes to restore our republic? Time will tell. Remember January 6!